Policy Cancellation

How To Cancel a Policy
There is a Cooling-Off period of 14 days from the date of purchase, or the date you receive your policy, whichever is the latter, and providing you have not used the policy to travel and there has not been a claim or any incident that might lead to a claim, a full refund will be given.
If you have a Single Trip policy and wish to cancel outside the Cooling Off period, we will not refund any of your premium.
If you have an Annual Multi-Trip policy and wish to cancel the policy outside the Cooling Off period, we will require 30 days’ notice of the intention to cancel in writing. Provided no claim has been paid or is payable and no incident has occurred, which could give rise to a claim under the Policy, a refund for the exact number of days that was left on the Policy will be paid. The premium for the period up to the date when the cancellation takes effect will be calculated and the portion of the premium for the unused days of cover remaining will be returned. However, in calculating the amount of premium to be returned there will be an additional charge to cover the administration cost of providing this Policy and this will be calculated as a minimum amount of one half of the portion of the premium to be returned or £/€ 50 (according to the currency that the premium was paid in), whichever is the lesser. If a claim has been made during the period of cover provided, there will be no refund.